Healing Young People is My Passion

Child Therapy

Defiant, Disobedient, Temper Tantrums, OCD, ADHD, Autism, Aspergers, Attachement Disorders, Fearful, Hyperactive, Problems Making Friends.

Adolescent Therapy

Anxiety, OCD, ADHD, Autism, Aspergers, Attachement Disorders, Low-Self Esteem, Disobedient, Having Problems Making Friends.

Play Therapy

A Treatment approach that uses a child’s natural tendency to “play out” their reactions to life situations.

Family Therapy

Family therapy can be beneficial to the families of children who are dealing with death, abandonment, abuse, divorce, or any sudden change.

When is Therapy Needed?

Therapy can be beneficial to children who are dealing with death, abandonment, or abuse. Children who are experiencing difficulty adjusting to moving, starting school, or divorce can find emotional support in therapy. All children from time to time exhibit what may call "abnormal behavior". When a child exhibits the same abnormal behaviors over a long period of time or when a child exhibits several abnormal behaviors at once, it is wise to seek help. The first step is to have the child evaluated for a physical cause to the abnormal behavior. If there is no indication of a physical cause or if medical treatment does not eliminate the abnormal behaviors therapy should be the next step.
- Dr. Lisa Sampson

About Me

I am a Licensed Professional Counselor and a Registered Play Therapist Supervisor with over 20 years experience working with young people of all ages, as well as an extensive range of special needs and other issues. I am a Texas State Board Licensed Professional, with a Masters in Early Childhood Development from Texas Tech University, and am an active member in the Texas Association for Play Therapy.

Barbara M.

Dr. Sampson has really displayed a deep willingness to help my son. She is very sweet, patient, professional and fun. My son looks forward to our upcoming appointment!
Jan 10, 2020

Carey T.

We where skeptical of counseling, but decided to try. Now, I recommend counseling for any child experiencing developmental problems. We never could have gotten this far without help.
Mar 23, 2020

DeAndra R.

When we started, I wasnt sure what to expect. But Lisa has been supportive for both my daughter and myself. She really knows a lot and is skilled at helping young people improve.
Dec 3, 2020

Charlie K.

Lisa is a great balance of being both supportive and challenging. I adore her growth-and-development mindset that aims for what can be done to pursue a more emotionally balanced life.
Feb 8, 2021

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